
Do you want to visit our product exhibition?
Get to know our Strugal Gallery. The visits are aimed at architects and construction professionals.
A meeting point for professionals and lovers of design and architecture
C. de Columela, 9, Bajo izq, 28001 Madrid
A meeting point for professionals and lovers of design and architecture
Calle Pau Claris 163 - Local 08037 Barcelona
Product showroom at the STRUGAL headquarters, located in Seville.
Pol. Ind. La Red Sur C/ La Red 9 Nº11, 41500 – Alcalá de Guadaíra
Ctra. Alicante-Murcia Pol. Ind. D, nº11, 03008 – Aguamarga
Pol. Ind. El Nevero (ampliación) Parc. 13/18, 06006 - Badajoz
Ctra. Tembleque, 81, 45860 Villacañas, Toledo
Parque Empresarial Nuevo Jaén, C/ Beatriz Núñez parc. 7 nº 15, 23009 - Jaén
Parque Empresarial Oeste, C. de la Algaida, parc 5, 7, 11408 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz
Pol. Ind. Garisol C/ Juan García Rausell nº8, parc 8/20, 02110 - La Gineta
URARTEA 21, Pabs. 1 y 2, Pol. Ind, 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava
Calle Plata , 5, 47012, Valladolid
Pol. Ind. Asegra C/ Córdoba s/n, 18210 – Peligros